

Junggye Yangeop Catholic Church

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43 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron , "These are Passover Regulationa: No foreigner shall eat the Passover meal, 44 but any slave that you have bought may eat it if you circumcise him first. No tomporary resident or hired worker may eat it. 45 No temporay resident or hired worker may eat it. 46 The whole meal musy be eaten in the house in which it was prepared; it must not be taken outside. And do not break any of the animal's bones. 47 The whole community of Israel must celebrate this festival, 48 but no uncircumcised man may eat it. If a foreigner has settled among you and wants to celebrate Passoverto honor the LORD, you must first circumcise all the meals of his household. He is then to be treated like a native-born Israelites and to foreigners who settle among you." 50 All the Israelites obeyed and did what the LORD had commanded Moses and Aaron. 51 On that day the LORD brought the Israelite tribes out of Egypt.